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Invitatition to public bidding for alienation of the public building land

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Subject to alienation (sale) is the building land in Miloja Zakica Street, Municipality of Cukarica, on five individual LOTs, as follows: LOT1 corresponding to the cadastral plot No. 690/3, LOT4 corresponding to the cadastral plots No. 691/7 and 1940/9, LOT5 corresponding to the cadastral plots No. 1940/4 and 1940/8, LOT6 corresponding to the cadastral plots No. 1940/6 and 1940/7 and LOT7 corresponding to the cadastral plots No. 1941/1 and 1941/5, all in the Municipality of Cukarica, as the public property of the City of Belgrade.

[ENG] Miloja Zakica – Invitatition to public bidding for alienation of the public building land of the city of Belgrade
Annoucement published in daily newspaper „POLITIKA“ 29.05.2017.

Invitatition to public bidding for alienation of the public building land

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Subject to alienation (sale) is the building land between Brace Jerkovic Street numbers 167, 179 and 191. Municipality of Vozdovac, on LOT 1 with an area of 2.245 m2, including the following cadastral parcels of the CM of Vozdovac: 30019/31 filed in the Land Register Sheet No. 7144, with an area of 1.275m2; 30019/33 filed in the Land Register Sheet No. 6659, with an area of 820m2 and 30022/6 filed in the Land Register Sheet No. 804, with an area of 150m2, as the public property of the City of Belgrade.

[ENG] Braće Jerković – Invitatition to public bidding for alienation of the public building land of the city of Belgrade

Invitatition to public bidding for alienation of the public building land

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Subject to alienation is the building land on the cadastral plot No. 11416/3, Cadastral Municipality (CM) of New Belgrade, with an area of 2.408 m2, filed in the Land Register Sheet under No. 156, CM of Savski Venac, as the public property of the City of Belgrade.

[ENG] Banjičkih žrtava – Invitatition to public bidding for alienation of the public building land of the city of Belgrade
NOTICE: Invitation to Public Bidding published in “Politika” daily newspaper on 8th May 2017 is repealed.
“Politika” daily newspaper 30th May 2017 publication.

Land in Block 63 sold for RSD 800 million

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The land in New Belgrade Block 63 was sold for RSD 800 million at an auction held on April 13, 2017 in the premises of the Belgrade Land Development Public Agency. Three Bids were received by the Deadline for Bid Submission defined in the Invitation to Public Bidding, and the highest Bid was offered by the Building Directorate of Serbia (Građevinska direkcija Srbije), which is going to pay the bid amount to the Belgrade City Budget. In addition to the price for the land, in the course of future construction, the Investor shall pay the Building Land Development Fee to the City Budget in the amount to be defined in the Building Permit.
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