- Regulations
- Land fee & compensation
- Sites for allocation
- Prepaired sites
- Sites under preparation
- Aplication documents required
- Preview
Required contents of Application to Competitive Bidding and attached documents.
Application to Competitive Bidding shall be submitted in a sealed envelope with visibly indicated site it refers to and Applicant’s name (full name, address, phone number).
Application submitted by a legal person shall include name and address of the legal person, and shall be signed by an authorised representative and stamped. Application shall be attached with an extract from the Business Register and a Taxpayer Identification Number Certificate.
Application submitted by an Individual shall include full name, address, identification number, and signed. It shall be attached with a copy of ID card.
Application submitted by an Entrepreneur shall include business name and address and shall be signed by an authorised representative and stamped. Application shall be attached with an extract from the Business Register and a Taxpayer Identification Number Certificate.
Application shall be attached with an evidence on deposited funds or a Bank Guarantee (irrevocable and unconditional, “with no entitlement to any claims” and payable “at first demand”, valid 180 days as of the date of Application, to the amount of the deposit defined in the Invitation to Competitive Bidding.)
Application shall be attached with Applicant’s Statement on accepting all terms and conditions defined in the Invitation to Competitive Bidding and with defined Time for Completion.
Competitive Bidding Application Forms:
Individual’s Statement
Individual’s Statement.pdf 247.47 KB
Individual’s Statement.docx 16.95 KB
Legal Person’s Statement
Legal Person’s Statement.pdf 252.16 KB
Legal Person’s Statement.docx 19.87 KB
Envelopes – Competitive Bidding.pdf 120.58 KB