Belgrade Land Development Public Agency (Beoland) has issued an Invitation to Competitive Bidding for sale of the public building land in Južni Bulevar Street, Municipality of Vračar, owned by the City of Belgrade. Applications to Competitive Bidding will be received in the Beoland’s premises by 1 July 2019 and the bidding is scheduled for the following day.
Lot in Južni Bulevar, between Maksima Gorkog Street and Vladimira Karića Str. is offered for sale. The building lot, made of two cadastral plots owned by the City of Belgrade has the surface area of 313m2. Construction of residential buildings with commercial activities is planned in this location within the zone representing the mixed urban tissue. Construction of multi-family residential buildings with a share of commercial activities of no more than 30 % is allowed.
The Investor is obliged to carry out all the works on preparing and equipping the building land within the Lot, and the Beoland will develop the public building land in accordance with the Regulation Plan and its Building Land Development Program.
Further information is available at Belgrade Land Development Public Agency – Sites Analysis, Marketing and IT Department, tel. +381 (0)11 2041 302, every business day 7:30 to 15:30.
Invitation to Competitive Bidding available at: