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Competitive Bidding for Land Sale in Radnicka Street

By 17. November, Vesti, Истакнуто

Belgrade Land Development Public Agency (Beoland) issued an Invitation to Competitive Bidding for sale of the public building land in Radnicka Street, Municipality of Cukarica. Applications to Competitive Bidding will be received by 16 December 2021, and the bidding is scheduled for the following day at Beoland’s premises.

The site with a surface area of 55.169m2 is located in Radnicka Street, near “Ada Ciganlija” sports and recreation centre, the hippodrome and the cultural-historical and tourist area of Topčider. According to the planning document, the site is located in the area designated for other purposes – commercial zones and city centres. No commercial construction such as shopping malls, hypermarkets, gas stations, distribution centres, wholesale markets, warehouses, green markets, commercial garages, etc. is allowed, save compatible land use related to cultural or sports facilities and complexes.

The existing facilities of special importance to the Cultural Monuments Protection Authority are the facilities included in Category III: the observation tower – video surveillance centre, the residential house and the chimney of the former heating plant. The size and the volume of these facilities shall remain as it is, and no change to their appearance, upgrading or construction of superstructure is allowed. Their restoration, improvement or revitalization is allowed.

The start price for the building land has been determined based on the City of Belgrade Tax Administration building land market price assessment and amounts to 57.605,43RSD/m2 of land, which totally amounts to RSD3.178.033.967,67 for the entire LOT. The land is to be sold to the highest bidder, and the bid shall be equal to or higher than the start price and cannot be further reduced.

The developer is obliged to execute all preparatory works related to infrastructural development and equipping of the building land within the alienated LOT and enter into agreements with all competent public utility institutions and other legal entities and pay fees for connection to the electric power supply system, telecommunication system and facilities, cable television, heating and gas supply systems and facilities, etc. Furthermore, the developer is obliged to take all necessary actions to obtain both building and use permits. Belgrade Land Development Public Agency is responsible for infrastructural development of the public building land all in accordance with the applicable planning document and the Building Land Development Program.

Further information is available at Belgrade Land Development Public Agency – Sites Analysis, Marketing and IT Department, tel. +381 (0)112041302, every business day from 7.30 to 15.30.