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Competitive Bidding for Land Sale in Slavonska Street, Zemun

By 5. May, Vesti

Belgrade Land Development Public Agency (Beoland) has issued an Invitation to Competitive Bidding for sale of the public building land owned by the City of Belgrade in Slavonska Street, Zemun. Applications to Competitive Bidding will be received by 4 June 2020 and the bidding is scheduled for the following day in the Beoland’s premises.

The LOT made of two cadastral plots: plot 10581 CM of Zemun, with the surface area of 419 m2 and plot 10582 CM of Zemun, with the surface area of 1008m2 is offered for sale. Both cadastral plots belong to the Cadastral Municipality of Zemuna and are filed in the Land Registry Sheet No. 2754 as the public property of the City of Belgrade.

According to the Detailed Regulation Plan for this area, the referred cadastral plots belong to the area intended for residence/housing, sub-zones S2 and S2a, in a predominantly residential area. Construction of any compatible land use of no adverse impact on the primary land use or environments is allowed in this area. Compatible land use includes commercial zones and city centres, sports facilities and complexes, public land use for education, health or culture and A category economic activities.

Start price for the building land was determined based on the Building Land Market Price Assessment Report and amounts to RSD 21.352,53 per m2 of the land. Therefore, the start price for the LOT surface area of 1427m2 amounts to RSD 30.470.060,31. The land shall be sold to a Bidder offering the highest Bid, which shall be equal to or higher than the start price and cannot be further reduced.

The Investor is obliged to carry out all the works on preparing and equipping the building land within the LOT in order to connect to respective urban infrastructure system, and to enter into the agreements with all competent public utility institutions and other legal entities and pay fees for connection to electric power supply system, telecommunication system and facilities, cable television, heating and gas supply system and facilities, etc. Belgrade Land Development Public Agency is responsible for development of the public building land in accordance with the Regulation Plan and the Building Land Development Program.

Further information is available at Belgrade Land Development Public Agency – Sites Analysis, Marketing and IT Department, tel. +381 (0)11 2041 302, every business day 7:30 to 15:30.

Invitation to Competitive Bidding is available at:

Invitatition to competitive bidding For alienation of the public building land in Slavonska street, Municipality of Zemun