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Invitatition to competitive bidding for alienation of the public building land located in Radnička street

Subject to alienation (sale) is the site located in Radnicka Street, in the immediate vicinity of “Ada Ciganlija” sports and recreation centre, the hippodrome and the cultural-historical and tourist area of Topčider, in the City Municipality of Čukarica, on the building plot (LOT) consisting of the following cadastral plots: 10003/3, 10005/5, 10079/17, 10079/3, 10079/6, 10079/15 and 10079/11 all in the Cadastral Municipality of Cukarica, with the total LOT surface area of 55.169 m2. All cadastral plots are registered in the Land Registry as the public property of the City, as follows: cadastral plot no. 10003/3, registered in the Land Registry Folio no. 243 CM of Cukarica; cadastral plot 10005/5 registered in the Land Registry Folio no. 836 CM of Cukarica; cadastral plot 10079/17 registered in the Land registry Folio no. 12729 CM of Cukarica; cadastral plots 10079/3, 10079/6 and 10079/15, all registered in the Land Registry Folio no. 1813 CM of Cukarica and the cadastral plot 10079/11, registered in the Land Registry Folio no. 13175 CM of Cukarica.

 Announcement in daily newspaper „POLITIKA“ 17.11.2021.
 Translation of the announcement (ENG)