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Competitive Bidding for Land Sale in the Industrial Zone of Auto-put in New Belgrade

By news, Vesti, Истакнуто

Belgrade Land Development Public Agency (Beoland) issues the Invitation to Competitive Bidding for sale of the public building land owned by the City of Belgrade in Block 53, in the Industrial Zone of Auto-put. Applications to Competitive Bidding will be received by 25 October, and the competitive bidding is scheduled for the following day in the Beoland’s premises.

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Competitive Bidding for Land Sale in Savski Venac

By news

Belgrade Land Development Public Agency (Beoland) issues the Invitations to Competitive Bidding for sale of the public building land owned by the City of Belgrade in the Municipality of Savski Venac. Applications to Competitive Biddings will be received by 21 October, and the competitive biddings for both sites are scheduled for the following day in the Beoland’s premises.
The first Invitation refers to the building land with the surface area of 1741m2 located in Diane Budisavljevic Street, in the urban area of Lisicji Potok. The start price for the building land has been determined based on the Building Land Market Price Assessment Report and amounts to RSD 61.136,97 per square metre of the land, which totally amounts to RSD 106.439.464,77 for the entire LOT.

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Competitive Bidding for Land Sale in Batajnica

By news, Vesti, Истакнуто

Belgrade Land Development Public Agency (Beoland) has issued two Invitations to Competitive Bidding for the sale of the public building land in Batajnica settlement. Applications to Competitive Biddings will be received by 06 July 2021, and the biddings are scheduled for the following day in the Beoland’s premises.

The first Invitation to the Competitve Bidding refers to alienation (sale) of the site located in Brace Vojinovic Street, the building plot (LOT) made of the cadastral plot 1877/5 CM of Batajnica, with the surface area of 511 sqm. According to the Detailed Regulatory Plan of Batajnica the site is intended for individual housing.  The site was announced for alienation earlier this year, at which time no applications were received, so the initial price for the alienation of the land shall be reduced by 20% and now amounts to RSD 2,403,613.18. Read More

Competitive Bidding for Land Sale in Lazarevac

By news, Vesti, Истакнуто

Belgrade Land Development Public Agency (Beoland) has issued an Invitation to Competitive Bidding for the sale of the public building land in the Lazarevac municipality. Applications to Competitive Bidding will be received by 05 July 2021, and the bidding is scheduled for the following day in the Beoland’s premises.

The land between Branka Radicevica Street and Dusana Petrovica Saneta Street on the LOT (GP2) with  total surface area of 2.146 square meters, has been announced for alienation. The referred land is intended for residential use including commercial activities, in the zone of medium population density, with maximum number of floors allowed:  GF+2Floors+Attic.

The site was announced for alienation in 2019, at which time no applications were received, so the initial  price for the alienation of the land shall be reduced by 20% and now amounts to RSD 12,111,800.81. The land will be sold to a Bidder offering the highest price, which shall be equal to or higher than the start price and cannot be further reduced.

Further information is available at Belgrade Land Development Public Agency – Sites Analysis, Marketing and IT Department, tel. +381 (0)11 2041 302, every business day 7:30 to 15:30.

Invitatition to competitive bidding for alienation of the public building land located between Branka Radicevica Street and Dusana Petrovica Saneta Street, Municipality of Lazarevac

Competitive Bidding for Land Sale in the settlement of Kamendin in Tomice Popovića Street, Municipality of Zemun

By news, Vesti

Belgrade Land Development Public Agency (Beoland) has issued an Invitation to Competitive Bidding for the sale of the public building land in Kamendin, Zemun. Applications to Competitive Bidding will be received by 01 April 2021, and the bidding is scheduled for the following day in the Beoland’s premises.

Four individual LOTs in Tomice Popovića Street in the settlement of Kamendin have been announced for alienation. Each LOT is equivalent to a single cadastral plot the surface areas of which range from 116 to 122 square meters. All cadastral plots are registered in the Land Registry Folio 1295 for CM of Zemun Polje as the public property of the City of Belgrade. According to the applicable urban plan, cadastral plots are located in the areas planned for the construction of residential buildings – two major types of terraced housing.

The start price for the building land has been determined based on the City of Belgrade Tax Administration Building Land Market Price Assessment Report and amounts to 6467,56 RSD/m2 of the land, which for each individual LOT amounts from RSD 750.236,96 to RSD 789.042,32. The land is to be sold to a bidder offering the highest price, which shall be equal to or higher than the start price and cannot be further reduced.

The developer is obliged to carry out all the works on preparing and equipping the building land within the alienated LOT and enter into agreements with all competent public utility institutions and other legal entities and pay fees for connection to the electric power supply system, telecommunication system and facilities, cable television, heating and gas supply systems and facilities, etc. The Belgrade Land Development Public Agency is responsible for public building land development in accordance with the applicable urban plan and the building land development program.

Further information is available at Belgrade Land Development Public Agency – Sites Analysis, Marketing and IT Department, tel. +381 (0)112041302, every business day 7.30 to 15.30.

Invitatition to competitive bidding for alienation of the public building land in the settlement of Kamendin in Tomice Popovića Street, Municipality of Zemun

Competitive Bidding for Land Sale in Block 41a, New Belgrade

By news, Vesti

Belgrade Land Development Public Agency (Beoland) issues the Invitation to Competitive Bidding for sale of the public building land owned by the City of Belgrade in New Belgrade Block 41a. Applications to Competitive Bidding will be received by 25 February, and the bidding is scheduled for the following day in the Beoland’s premises.

The building land of 2548m2 is located in the southern part of Block 41a, between the Inner City Semi-Ring Road (ICSRR) and the railroad, on the building plot (Lot) equivalent to the cadastral plot 2229/13 Cadastral Municipality of New Belgrade. The site is included in the General Regulation Plan for the Building Area of the Local Self-Government Unit – City of Belgrade (Units I-XIX), (“Official Gazette of the City of Belgrade” No. 20/2016, 97/16, 69/17, 97/17), according to which the referred land is intended for commercial purposes. The site is approachable from Bulevar Heroja sa Košara (Heroes from Košare Boulevard), on the west side of the plot. Read More

Competitive Bidding for Land Sale in Batajnica

By Announcements_cat, news

Subject to alienation (sale) is the site located between Save Radovanovica and Romska streets, Urban Municipality of Zemun, the building plot (LOT) made of the cadastral plot 1901/2 CM of Batajnica, with the surface area of 1.046 m2 registered in the Land Registry Folio 4452 for CM of Batajnica as the public property of the City of Belgrade.

 Announcement in daily newspaper „POLITIKA“ 30.12.2020. год.
 Translation of the announcement (ENG)

Competitive Bidding for Land Sale in Brace Vojinovic Street in Batajnica

By Announcements_cat, news

Subject to alienation (sale) is the site located in Brace Vojinovic Street in Batajnica, Urban Municipality of Zemun, the building plot (LOT) made of the cadastral plot 1877/5 CM of Batajnica, with the surface area of 511 m2 registered in the Land Registry Folio 4452 for CM of Batajnica as the public property of the City of Belgrade.

 Announcement in daily newspaper „POLITIKA“ 28.12.2020. год.
Translation of the announcement (ENG)

Repeated Competitive Bidding for Land Sale in the “Autoput” Economic Zone in New Belgrade

By Announcements_cat, news, Vesti, Истакнуто

Belgrade Land Development Public Agency (Beoland) has issued an Invitation to Competitive Bidding for sale of the public building land owned by the City of Belgrade in the “Autoput” Economic Zone in New Belgrade. No applications were received at the previously held biding in July this year, so the initial amount of the alienation price is now reduced by 20%. Applications to Competitive Bidding will be received by 12 November, and the bidding is scheduled for the following day in the Beoland’s premises.

The building land is located in Block 53, along Prekonoška Street, near “Kvantaška pijaca” wholesale green market, and the subject to alienation is the LOT1 corresponding to the cadastral plot no. 6827/1 CM of New Belgrade, with the surface area of ​​3.1 hectares. The site is included in the Detail Regulation Plan for the “Autoput” Economic Zone in New Belgrade and the land is planned for construction of industrial facilities.

Start price for the building land with the surface area of 31.525 square metres, having been reduced by 20%, now amounts to RSD 266.713.857,80. The land will be sold to a Bidder offering the highest price, which shall be equal to or higher than the start price and cannot be further reduced.

The site is approachable from the existing S-40 Road (Prekonoška Street), which is equipped with the water supply and sewer system. S-40 road is planned for redevelopment to create the conditions for connection of new utility service customers.

The developer is obliged to carry out all the works on preparing and equipping the building land within the alienated LOT and to enter into agreements with all competent public utility institutions and other legal entities and pay fees for connection to the electric power supply system, telecommunication system and facilities, cable television, heating and gas supply systems and facilities, etc.

Further information is available at Belgrade Land Development Public Agency – Sites Analysis, Marketing and IT Department, tel. +381 (0)11 2041 302, every business day 7:30 to 15:30.

Invitatition to competitive bidding for alienation of the public building land in Block 53, Municipality of New Belgrade

Competitive Bidding for Land Sale in Lisicji Potok

By news, Vesti

Belgrade Land Development Public Agency (Beoland) has issued an Invitation to Competitive Bidding for sale of the public building land owned by the City of Belgrade in Lisicji Potok, in the area situated between Topčidersko Brdo and Banjica. Applications to Competitive Bidding will be received by 5 October 2020 and the bidding is scheduled for the following day in the Beoland’s premises.

The 1850m2 land plot is located south of the White Palace, at the building plot made of the cadastral plots 21346/1 and 21346/2, both in the CM of Savski Venac. Site is included in the Regulation Plan for the Spatial Unit of Dedinje (“Official Gazette of the City of Belgrade”, No.01/00), based on which the cadastral plots are intended for residential use with commercial activities and construction of buildings of high housing standard.

Start price for the building land was determined based on the Building Land Market Price Assessment Report and amounts to RSD 81.134,34 per m2 of the land, which totally amounts to RSD 150.098.529,00 for the total surface area of 1850 m2. The land will be sold to a Bidder offering the highest Bid, which shall be equal to or higher than the start price and cannot be further reduced.

LOT is approachable from Mihaila Avramovica Street via the newly designed S20 road, in accordance with the Regulation Plan for the Spatial Unit of Dedinje

The Investor is obliged to carry out all the works on preparing and equipping the building land within the LOT in order to connect to respective urban infrastructure system, and to enter into the agreements with all competent public utility institutions and other legal entities and pay fees for connection to electric power supply system, telecommunication system and facilities, cable television, heating and gas supply system and facilities, etc. Belgrade Land Development Public Agency is responsible for development of the public building land in accordance with the Regulation Plan and the Building Land Development Program.

Further information is available at Belgrade Land Development Public Agency – Sites Analysis, Marketing and IT Department, tel. +381 (0)11 2041 302, every business day 7:30 to 15:30.

Invitation to Competitive Bidding is available at:

Invitatition to competitive bidding For alienation of the public building land in Lisiciji Potok, Municipality of Savski Venac