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The Third Competitive Bidding for Land Sale in Block 53

By 7. February, Vesti

Belgrade Land Development Public Agency (Beoland) issued an Invitation to Competitive Bidding for sale of the public building land in Block 53, New Belgrade, owned by the City of Belgrade. Applications to Competitive Bidding will be received by 11th March 2019, and Bidding is scheduled for the following day in the Beoland’s premises.

The LOT with an area of 21.058m2 located behind the Terminal Beograd customs office near E70 Highway is announced for sale. LOT is located in the area intended for industrial development and construction of industrial/production or commercial/business facilities and accompanying infrastructure.

Since no bids were received upon previous Invitations issued in March and September last year, the start price is reduced by 40% and now amounts to RSD 128.317.765,32 for the entire Lot. The land will be sold to a Bidder offering the highest price, and the price must be equal or higher than the start price and cannot be further reduced.

Further information available at Belgrade Land Development Public Agency – Sites Analysis, Marketing and IT Department, tel. +381 (0)11 2041 302, every business day 7:30 to 15:30.

Invitation to Competitive Bidding available at:

Invitatition to competitive bidding for alienation of the public building land in Block 53, Municipality of New Belgrade